Insomnia Coffee Lab

El Paraiso Rose Tea


Produced by Diego Samuel Bermudez Tapia of El Paraiso Farm from trees of the Castillo, Colombia and Caturra varieties of Arabica, and processed by the double-anaerobic method: Whole fruit is fermented in hermetically sealed tanks for 24 hours before the skins are removed. The fruit flesh or mucilage is left on the bean for another 36-hour sealed-tank fermentation. Finally, the coffee is dried on raised beds with the mucilage still on the bean, as in the honey method. This is a bright rose-like flowers are enveloped in a lushly juicy, peach-yogurt-like matrix.

Taste: Rose tea, caramel, blossoms
Origin: Finca El Paraiso, Cauca, Colombia⁣
Variety: Castillo
Process: Two stage fermentation⁣ followed by thermal shock wash
Roast: Light

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