Produced by Diego Samuel Bermudez Tapia of El Paraiso Farm from trees of the Castillo, Colombia and Caturra varieties of Arabica, and processed by the double-anaerobic method: Whole fruit is fermented in hermetically sealed tanks for 24 hours before the skins are removed. The fruit flesh or mucilage is left on the bean for another 36-hour sealed-tank fermentation. Finally, the coffee is dried on raised beds with the mucilage still on the bean, as in the honey method. This is a bright rose-like flowers are enveloped in a lushly juicy, peach-yogurt-like matrix.
Taste: Rose tea, caramel, blossoms
Origin: Finca El Paraiso, Cauca, Colombia
Variety: Castillo
Process: Two stage fermentation followed by thermal shock wash
Roast: Light